Monday, December 6, 2010

Similarities Of A Nic And A Modem

Crostata a Pois, con marmellata di albicocche

no doubt that the pie is a special sweet, simple to prepare as best you can do you like it with jam, with cream, with chocolate or with ricotta, in other words as you can pick any want.
satisfaction in making a cake that is the preparation of pastry is so great, and the curiosity to see how this is even more so.
How high must be a tart? I've seen all kinds, but I prefer those with a pastry Altine a bit crumbly and well done, but lately I came across a tart cherries prepared by teachers of Jewish cuisine, really special.

  • 300 g of flour
  • 125 g of butter / margarine
  • 100 g zucchero
  • 2 uova (1 uovo intero e un tuorlo)
  • 1 limone
  • 1 bustina di vanillina
  • 1 cucchiaino di lievito
  • 250 g di marmellata di albicocche ( fatta in casa sarebbe meglio)

Prendete la margarina (o burro) fredda di frigo, fate tanti quadratini e uniteli alla farina mischiandoli con le mani, cercando di creare una sorta di graniglia, aggiungete quindi la vanillina, il cucchiaino di lievito, lo zucchero, le uova and lemon peel. Mix everything very quickly, the crust should not be manipulated much else loses its crispness, to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Then make a ball, wrap with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Then roll out the dough into the pan, after it is wrapped with greased greaseproof paper, pushing it out with your fingers to make it adhere better. Then take a fork and prick the dough to prevent the formation of air bubbles, and draw the edges.
now distributed the jam, the one that you like, I prefer the apricot, if done at home is even better (for l'occasione mi è stato regalato un barattolo dalla nonna Romy di Formello) e con un pò di frolla, precedentemente messa da parte, fate dei cerchi e disponeteli sopra la marmellata.
A questo punto infornate e fate cuocere per circa 40 minuti ad una temperatura di 180 gradi.


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