An invitation to dinner at a friend's house ... what to wear? Not the usual pie pastry purchased in the last minute, but a homemade cake for success: "The cream tart with pine nuts."
It 's a real delicacy, a soft heart of custard enclosed wrapped in pastry, topped with pine nuts and sugar. But all of a sudden ... the dinner was canceled, and the tart cream becomes the protagonist of my weekend.
The courtship began in the late afternoon, but his first approach came after dinner. Hmmmm! is a delight, I looked at her and she looked at me .... I winked in the late evening, but I could not resist and went to bed.
The next morning was there waiting for me for breakfast, with my black coffee hot ... was good as ever.
rainy Sunday has certainly contributed to our repeated meetings, which ended, unfortunately or Fortunately, on Monday evening after the gym.
I hope to meet you too. And now as I explain:
- 400 g flour 3 eggs (yolks)
- 170 g of butter /
- margarine 150g caster sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- a pinch of salt 100 g pine nuts
- vanilla icing sugar
- 500 ml milk 100 ml whipping cream
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract o una stecca di vaniglia
- 6 uova (tuorli)
- 150 g di zucchero
- 20 g di farina 00
- 20 g di amido di mais
Questa metodo di preparazione della crema pasticcera, mi è stato suggerito da Fabrizio de "l'Esterina" e viene direttamente dagli insegnamenti dello Chef Luca Montersino .
Prendete la margarina (o burro) fredda di frigo, fate tanti quadratini e uniteli alla farina mescolandoli con le mani, cercando di creare una sorta di graniglia, aggiungete quindi la vanillina, lo zucchero, le uova e la buccia di limone. Impastate il tutto molto velocemente fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo (ricordatevi che la frolla should not be manipulated much else loses crispness). Then make a ball, wrap with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough into the pan, greased and floured after it, pushing it out with your fingers to make it adhere better. Then take a fork and prick the dough to prevent the formation of air bubbles and cut the excess edges. Then bake and cook for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 170/180 degrees.
Once cooked the pastry, spread the cream, add the pine nuts and put in oven for 5 minutes. Dust with icing sugar.
Mettete a scaldare in una pentola il latte, la panna e la vaniglia, senza portare ad ebollizione. Nel frattempo montate le uova con lo zucchero, fino ad ottenere un composto morbido e cremoso. Unite quindi la farina e l’amido di mais allo zabaione amalgamando dolcemente. Quando il latte è ben caldo, toglietelo dal fuoco e aggiungete il composto, vedrete che si depositerà in superficie. Rimettete la pentola sul fuoco e portate a ebollizione, quando il latte forma come dei crateri e sommerge il composto cremoso, spegnete il fuoco e girate per bene. La crema è pronta.
Prendete la margarina (o burro) fredda di frigo, fate tanti quadratini e uniteli alla farina mescolandoli con le mani, cercando di creare una sorta di graniglia, aggiungete quindi la vanillina, lo zucchero, le uova e la buccia di limone. Impastate il tutto molto velocemente fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo (ricordatevi che la frolla should not be manipulated much else loses crispness). Then make a ball, wrap with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough into the pan, greased and floured after it, pushing it out with your fingers to make it adhere better. Then take a fork and prick the dough to prevent the formation of air bubbles and cut the excess edges. Then bake and cook for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 170/180 degrees.
Once cooked the pastry, spread the cream, add the pine nuts and put in oven for 5 minutes. Dust with icing sugar.
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