Friday, May 14, 2010

2010 Chevy Silverado Rockstar

Live Performance

Last night at the book fair in Turin, in the yellow zone in Hall 2, called "media invasion", I was pleasantly served in a live drawing performance. Those who were present could see the birth live on the big screen two cartoons published in this post.
It was a variation on the theme, the cartoons were made by Brendon 69, page 84 and I live redrawn on a larger format (34x24 cm) and a card more often long-grain that has allowed me at some point in the review to change the solutions used in the review table published by the addition of some "effect special. "
Meanwhile Fulvio Gatti that moderates and the public were free to ask me questions on the craft segment.
certainly a better situation if we do not count the physical difficulty of being able to draw and talk at the same time it is What an acrobat balancing act.
Sin was Thursday and that the hall was quite empty at 19, but I thank all participants and especially Vittorio Pavesio that organnizzato the meeting and for years to give visibility to the cartoonists who for some reason and apart from isolated cases, are not yet considered, in Italy, the authors at the same level of the writers of books.


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